Enemies of your spirituality! (Luke 8:16-17)

– God desires that you become a mobile fire altar! (Ps 104:4) (Zech 3:2) (John 14:23)

– The first barrier to your spirituality is negative spiritual blanket! (Is 60:1-2)

– Negative spiritual blanket blocks victims from their divine assignments (Is 25:6-7)

– Negative spiritual blanket manifests as witchcraft!

– The next barrier to your spirituality is satanic burial of destiny (1 Sam 2:8) (John 10:10)

– Another barrier to one’s spiritual progress is disfavor! (Ps 37:23) (Ps 5:12) (Hab 3:19)

– The next barrier to your spirituality is secret struggles of the flesh! (2 Kings 17:9) (1 Cor 3:13)

– The next barrier to one’s spirituality is hidden snares (Ps 11:2) (Gen 37:19-20) (Ps 91:3) (Job 5:21)

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