The ministry of the word

The Apostles in Acts 6:4, our anchor scripture as a ministry, were faced with a tumultuous task of attending to equitable distribution of resources following grievances that challenged the unity of the early church. In a response that could only be inspired by the Holy Spirit, they resorted to unwaveringly focus on prayer & the ministry of the word of God as a team was appointed to look into this matter, not only for sometime but continuously. The very heartbeat of the church of Christ is prayer & the word of God, an intrinsic unity the Holy Spirit breathes the Life of the Father through. This sets the atmosphere of the miraculous! In Genesis the Spirit of the LORD, at the instance of the word of God, set things in motion, creating light & everything the Father spoke.

Take time & read Ps 119 for the immeasurable benefits of the ministry of the Word of God!
God commanded Joshua to ‘meditate on this word day & night, and thou shalt have good success.’ Those who neglect the holy scriptures are susceptible to error & deception. Return to the place of God’s Word daily!

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