Restore ALL! (2 Kings 8:1-6)

[20:22, 8/10/2023] Vivian Mutulis: 1. WHO NEEDS RESTORATION
– Those who broke the Covenant of Priesthood (Judges 16:15-22)

– Those who went back to Egypt (Prodigality) (Luke 11:15-32)
√ You waste your substance
√ You experience spiritual famine
√ Wrong alliances
√ Disfavor among men
√ Depression & emotional distress
√ You lose your identity (robe)
√ You lose your authority
√ You lose divine peace

– Those who are walking out of their divine purpose (rebellion) (Jonah 1)
√ You pay the wrong price
√ You begin going down in life
√ You do not enjoy God’s blessing
√ Contrary winds – strange challenges
√ Anyone you connect with begins to lose valuables
√ You lose sensitivity to God’s Voice
√ Too much effort for little / no result

– Those who come from wrong family foundations (Ezek 16:1-10)

– Those who come from a difficult past (1 Chron 4:10)
[20:23, 8/10/2023] Vivian Mutulis: How to keep unclean spirits out of your life (Matt 12:43-45) (Eccl 10:8)
√ Personal conduct (Hair, Foods, Dress code at the altar, Peace with men, Prayerlessnes)
√ Spiritual attacks take advantage of ignorance (2 Kings 17:25-27)

1. Deal with anger (Eph 4:27) (Matt 5:22) (Jam 1:19-20)

√ Anger problems open the door to evil (Ps 37:8) Health problems even

√ How you go to bed in the night determines doors open (Ps 63:6) (Ps 77:6)

√ Anyone with anger problems makes foolish decisions (Prov 14:29)

√ Blunt people who are usually harsh suffer from anger problems (Ps 15:1)

√ Anger is contagious (Prov 22:24-25

√ Anger is the spiritual entry point of transgressions in one’s life (Prov 29:22)

√ Long term anger problems is rooted in foolishness (Eccl 7:9)

√ When anger exceeds day time hrs it automatically becomes legal ground for an attack (Eph 4:26)

√ Wrong foundations (Prov 1:8)
√ Generational flow (Gen 4:23-24)
√ Unmet expectations (Prov 13:12) (Lam 3:17)
√ Pain of the past (Rshp, Work)
√ Offences (Luke 17:1)
√ Challenges of life (John 16:33)
√ Pride – primary spirit behind anger
√ Pride in communication (Prov 15:1) (Col 4:6)
√ Betrayal from trusted networks (Jer 17:14)

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