Destroying witchcraft operations in your life! (Num 22:1-4)

– These things attract witchcraft attack;
√ Visible sign of progress
√ Visible sign of establishment
√ Victory over your enemies
√ Visible signs of increase

– Your God – given gift can attract witchcraft attack (Gen 37:19-21) (Matt 2:7-8)
√ Premature death attempts
√ Strange pits
√ Affliction

1. Evil foundations (Ps 11:3)
2. Presence of strange family altars (Judges 6:25)
3. Negative words from authority figures (Jer 35:1-10)
4. Unresolved wrong sexual history (1 Cor 6:16-19)
5. Wrong alliances (2 Chron 20:35-37)
6. Possessing items & images from shrines
7. Names connected to evil family priests (Jabez)
8. Wicked consultants (Matt 19:12)
9. Self pity
10. Bitterness & forgiveness
11. Dwelling on historical pain
12. Extreme fondness with departed souls (Ancestral worship)
13. Eating at idol tables
14. Seeking help from shrines (Lev 19:31) (Lev 20:6) (Jer 27:9) (Is 8:19-20)
15. Wrong doctrine on food & marriage (1 Tim 4:1-3)

1. Strange illness (infirmity)
2. History of emptiness
3. Strange emotional distress
4. Rejection spirit (even if you do your best)
5. History of abject poverty
6. Patterns of sorrow
7. Strange loss of valuables
8. Unexplained hate from perceived helpers
9. Strange deaths in a family
10. Fruitless labor
11. Strange dream cycles (slow motion, serpent dreams)
12. Strange affliction during lunar cycles
13. Strange voices telling you will die soon
14. Nincompoop spirit (Programmed foolishness)
15. Strange cycle of disappointment
16. Short – lived breakthrough
17. Strange alcohol problem
18. Closed doors
19. Suicidal thoughts
20. Strange addictions
21. Setbacks at the onset of breakthrough (Asset brings tears)
22. Persistent low esteem
23. Extreme personalities
24. Losing interest & fear over what you will benefit you
25. Strange attraction to wrong people (Jephthah)
26. Unreasonable decisions against any wise counsel (Going to the village & abandoning job, business / strategic blunder – marrying a witch / joining cult, marrying a married man)
27. Vagabond spirit
28. Day dreaming & empty imagination
29. Anxiety & anguish of spirit
30. Diminishing instead of growth
31. Helping others but you remain stuck
32. Absent mindedness

1. You must be truly born again (Ministry of the Blood of Jesus)
2. Live a holy life (spirits can come back to a careless hse)
3. Cut off negative ties
4. Prayer & fasting (Matt 17:21)
5. Rid yourself of bitterness
6. Throw down witchcraft altars
7. Destroy accursed items (Apostle Paul burned books)
8. Break evil words (Moses broke words over Reuben)
9. Sacrifices on the altar of the LORD (Ps 50:5)
10. Anointing oil (Is 10:27)

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