√Time management (Eph 5:14) (Acts 3:1) (John 5:4)
~ Moses confronted Pharoah at an agreeable time (Exod 7:15)
~ David was at the battlefield on time (1 Sam 17:17-23)
~ Certain prophetic acts are effective when taken on time (Judges 16:3) (2 Sam 5:24)
~ Correct action must work with correct timing to equal obedience to God
~ Divine sustenance in distress depended on TIMELY action in plenty
~ Discern these times & take prompt action on your destiny;
1. Times of unusual prayer desire – (Acts 10:30)
2. Times of unusual Word desire – (2 Kings 22:8)
3. Times of unusual giving desire – (2 Chron 1:6)
4. Times of strange spiritual battles (1 Sam 17:36)
5. Times of unusual fasting desire – (Dan 9:3)
6. Times of unusual curiosity over historical moves of God (2 Kings 2:14)
7. Times of unusual desire for God’s House (Neh 13:11)

√ Unity of purpose (Acts 2:1) (Gen 11:6) (2 Kings 7:3-4) (Eph 4:3-6) (Ps 133)
√ Genuineness & sincerity to one another (Gal 6:2)
√ Passionate focus on lost souls (Prov 11:30)
√ Regular mandatory corporate meetings (Heb 10:24)
√ Diligence in assigned roles (Prov 10:4)
√ Honoring agreements (Matt 18:19) (Matt 5:36-37)
√ Acknowledging one’s vulnerability (Mark 9:23-24) (Is 57:15)
√ Be little in your own eyes (Matt 18:3) (1 Kings 3:7)
√ Pursue salvation of the heathen, not their destruction (Ezek 33:11) (John 3:16-17)
√ Your gift opens doors but character maintains them open (Prov 18:16);
~ Be wise when engaging with greatness(1 Sam 18:5, 14-15) (Jam 1:5)
~ Don’t be quick to seek personal gain unless asked
~ Measure your words (Prov 10:19) (Jam 1:19) (Prov 17:28)
~ With your gift comes honor to your hearers (Dan 6:21-24)
~ Doing greater works does not mean you are greater than your teacher (John 14:12)

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